Voluntary Medical Insurance Scheme
for Civil Servants and Non-civil
Servants Employed by the HK Government
Insurance Scheme
VHIS Flexi Plan – Asia iCare
The first VHIS plan collaboration with CUHK Medical Centre;
Two options of the hospitalization plan with annual cover limit HK$500K, HK$650K including the Supplement Major Medical Benefit. The overall maximum limit (HS+SMM) up to HK$830K;
Worldwide coverage; no life-time limit
Cashless FULL COVER benefit for >5000 inpatient and day case surgical package plans offered by CUHK Medical Centre (pre-approval is required)
Allow for tax deduction
No claim bonus by increase 10% of the insurance coverage. Annual cover limit can be boosted up to maximum HK$913K per year.
Exclusive Offer:
First Year Discount: 60% off; 25% off from 2nd year onwards
FREE medical checkup plan provided by CUHK Medical Centre once every 2 years
FREE mental wellness hotline service
FREE one year emergency assistance service provided by Inter Partner Assistant

VHIS Flexi Plan – Asia Elite
Specially designed for all ages, from the young to the elderly, guaranteed renewal up to the age of 100; Tax deduction
Two choices of cover limit (HK$1.2m or HK$2m annual limit); No lifetime benefit limit; Cover up to Private Room Service
Comprehensive protection from prevention to cure, guaranteed renewal, and fully covered benefits of your major medical expenses
Exclusive Offer:
First Year Discount: 60% off; 25% off from 2nd year onwards
FREE medical checkup plan provided by CUHK Medical Centre once every 2 years
FREE mental wellness hotline service
Extended to cover cashless network Full Cover Inpatient and Day Case Benefit to cover >5000 package plans which are FREE
one-time medical checkup plan provided by CUHK Medical Centre offered by CUHK Medical Centre* (pre-approval is required) -
FREE one year emergency assistance service provided by Inter Partner Assistant
VHIS Standard Plan – Asia Unique Family Care
Covers individuals with age from 15 days to 100 years; Tax deduction
Coverage up to HK$420,000 per policy year; No Lifetime benefit limit
Provides a full range of medical insurance protection from pre-hospitalisation to post-hospitalisation care
Coverage extended to cover prescribed diagnostic imaging tests, prescribed non-surgical cancer treatments and psychiatric treatment, etc.
Exclusive Offer:
First Year Discount: 60% off; 25% off from 2nd year onwards
FREE mental wellness hotline service
Extended to cover cashless network Full Cover Day Case Endoscopy Benefit for civil servant scheme only***
(pre-approval is required)
- Cover the eligible expense on the treatment of
Colonoscopy and Gastroscopy
- Medical service providers including:
(a) CUHK Medical Centre
(b) HKBH Ambulatory Medical Centre
(c) Dr. Vio Medical Centre (Central)
(d) Dr. Vio Medical Centre (Tsim Sha Tsui)
FREE one year emergency assistance service provided by Inter Partner Assistant

Asia MaxiCare -
Network outpatient service
Wide variety of dental and outpatient benefits
Including over 90 clinics and 300 medical practitioners in Hong Kong, Kowloon, and the New Territories
Cashless arrangement
Eligible enrollment age from 15 days to aged 80
No underwriting process is required
Outpatient claim will not affect your claim record
Available for purchasing with group medical/ VHIS or standalone purchase
Exclusive Offer:
10% off
Avo Cancer Protection
Comprehensive coverage for related diagnostic tests, treatment, surgery, inpatient and monitoring costs.
No medical check-up is required. Easy and quick to apply with no supporting documents.
No deductible. Subject to benefit limit, your actual medical expenses will be fully covered.
Exclusive Offer:
25% off for Cancer Protection

Customer Service
Asia Insurance VHIS Enquires
T +852 3606 9361 / +852 3606 9323
Avo Insurance Cancer Protection Enquires
T +852 3572 8222